2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.October 27-29, 2020 – Fully virtual Conference
The IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (IEEE CIBCB) has become a major technical event in the field of Computational Intelligence (CI) and its application to problems in bioinformatics, computational biology, and biomedical engineering. IEEE CIBCB 2020 provides a global forum for academic and industrial scientists from computer science, biology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, statistics, and engineering, to discuss and present their latest research findings from theory to applications.
Due to COVID-19, the conference has moved to FULLY VIRTUAL!
Please visit this webpage periodically for more updates.
News !
Authors from selected papers from CIBCB2020 will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers to the Special Issue: “Selected papers from the International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2020” in the journal BioSystems.
- Special sessions proposals
17 January 2020
17 April 2020 - Tutorial proposals
21 February 2020 - Paper submission
1 May 2020
15 May 2020
3 July 2020 - Late-breaking abstract sub.
15 July 2020
30 July 2020 - Paper acceptance notification
31 July 2020
7 August 2020
- Final paper submission and early registration deadline
28 August 2020
4 September 2020
You will be making two different presentations for your CIBCB 2020 paper.
Video presentations
These presentations will be available on the conference web app for conference attendees to peruse before the conference begins as well as during the conference.
Deadline: Your video must be uploaded by Tuesday, October 20, 2020.
Creating your prerecorded presentation: Please refer to this document for instructions about recording your presentation. The maximum file size is 1 GB.
Uploading your video presentation: All authors will receive by email an upload link for their videos.
Time limit: Your prerecorded presentation should be no more than 25 minutes long.
Live presentations
You will give your live presentation during your session (October 27-29).
Your live presentation should be no more than 5 minutes long. Additionally, there will be 5 minutes for Q & A.
The live sessions will be recorded by the conference organizers and put on the conference web app.
Papers for IEEE CIBCB 2020 should be submitted electronically through the Conference website at, and will be refereed by experts in the fields and ranked based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality and clarity. IEEE CIBCB 2020 will consider computational intelligence and general approaches applied to the following topics of interest (but are not limited to):
- Bioinformatics
- Evolution, phylogeny, comparative genomics
- Gene expression array analysis
- Metabolic pathway analysis
- MicroRNA analysis
- Molecular sequence alignment and analysis
- Pattern recognition, data mining, optimization methods in Bioinformatics
- Visualization of large biological data sets
- Computational Biology
- Systems and synthetic biology
- Structure prediction and folding
- Modelling, simulation, and optimization of biological systems
- Biological network reconstruction, robustness, evolvability
- Epigenomics
- Biomedical Engineering, Bioprocessing and Healthcare Informatics
- Medical imaging and pattern recognition
- Biomedical data modelling, data mining, model parametrization
- Parallel, high performance computing
- Big data analysis and tools for biological and medical data
- Biomarker discovery and development
- Health data acquisition, analysis, mining
- Healthcare information systems, knowledge representation, reasoning
- Personalized medicine and treatment optimization
- Biopharmaceutical manufacturing
- Closed-loop optimization methods, platforms
Authors from selected papers from CIBCB2020 will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers to the Special Issue: “Selected papers from the International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2020” in the journal BioSystems.
IEEE CIBCB 2020 will feature tutorials covering fundamental and advanced topics in computational intelligence and its application to problems within the scope of the conference. A tutorial proposal should include title, outline, enrollment, and presenter/organizer biography. Inquiries regarding tutorial proposals should be addressed to the Tutorial Chair, Wendy Ashlock, email:
Two-page abstracts describing late-breaking developments within the scope of the conference are solicited for presentation at CIBCB 2020. Abstracts will be published only on the conference website.
Late-breaking abstracts will be briefly examined for relevance and minimum standards of acceptability, but will not be peer-reviewed in detail. Authors of accepted late-breaking abstracts will individually retain copyright (and all other rights) to their late-breaking abstracts. Accepted late-breaking abstracts with no author registered by the deadline will not appear on the conference website.
Late-breaking abstracts should be of the same format as full papers (see formatting details) and submitted using the same link as full papers until the 30th of July.
The submission deadline for all Special Sessions is the same as the general conference (3 July 2020).
1. Candidate solutions representation and fitness landscape manipulation in bio-medical optimization
Generally, in global optimization techniques the data structures used to represent a candidate solution can be directly decoded and interpreted; hence, the best fitting individual immediately provides an explicit and human-readable description of the optimal solution. The scientific work in this field has mainly focused on the creation of novel strategies, aimed at balancing the exploration and exploitation capabilities of optimization algorithms.
Although this well established research line is very prolific—paving the way to the design of efficient algorithms even for large-scale problems—there is another promising direction that could be investigated, consisting in the modification of the search space, that is, space transformations able to dilate, shrink, stretch, collapse, filter, or remap the fitness landscape, leading to alternative or simplified formulations of the original optimization problem.
In discrete domains, a similar approach can be performed by embedding implicit or explicit assumptions into the structure of candidate solutions, so that evolutionary operators can explore the feasible search space in a “smarter” way, reducing the overall computational effort. Examples of this strategy include generative representations, methods based on grammars, single parent techniques where example genes are incorporated, and other structured representations that starkly limit the portion of the search domain examined.
This Special Session aims at gathering the biomedical researchers who are investigating new directions and ideas in the field of candidate solutions representation, and its dual notion of fitness landscape manipulation.
Chair: Daniel A. Ashlock and Marco S. Nobile
Email: and
2. Special Session on Computational Intelligence For Epidemiology
The study of epidemics is of crucial importance at the current time. High-quality papers studying the use of computational intelligence, or other forms of artificial intelligence, for any aspect relating to this area are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the application of computational intelligence to the following:
- Epidemic modelling
- Epidemic models dealing with incomplete or inconsistent information
- Treatment strategies
- Immunology
- Public health decision support
- Molecular modeling for vaccines and treatment development
- Community detection in networks
- Pandemic management modeling for transportation and supply networks
- Techniques for network analysis
- Techniques for network synthesis from data
- Intelligent management and support for contact tracing
Chair: Sheridan Houghten
2. Improving Health Outcomes through Text Analytics of Healthcare Data
Heath care involves humans beings talking to practitioners. Good healthcare outcomes depend on understanding these conversations. Big Data, especially that which is unstructured, is at the heart of getting healthcare to the point were practitioners can accurately put in place a treatment regiment and ensure patient compliance. The people in those conversations are demographically diverse, they are shaped by their age, genders, location, culture, etc. First, we need new ways of understanding those conversations. Second, we need tools to analyse the existing data to understand how to assess correctly, gain compliance, and receive positive outcomes. Without those tools, we cannot have an ethical perspective or pragmatically make effective policies.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Text analytics/NLP applied to:
Medical conversations (doctor-patient, pharmaceutical)
Healthcare Marketing materials
Consumer pharmaceutical
Unstructured data optimization techniques
- Policy/Ethics:
Ethical use of data
Regulation and Access Rights to Data mine
Ownership of collected data
- Collection Methods/Data Warehouses
- Historical Linguistics of Ethno(pharmacological, biological) data
Chair: Joseph Alexander Brown and Christina DeCoursey
Email: and
Submission is CLOSED
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers of no more than eight (8) pages in IEEE conference format, including results, figures and references. Papers must be in PDF and written in English. Detailed instructions and templates for preparing your manuscripts can be found here.
At maximum, two additional pages are permitted with over-length page charge of US$10/page, to be paid during author registration.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper at the conference.
All papers and late-breaking abstracts should be submitted via the EasyChair online submission system.
Final versions of all papers, following all requirements below, must be submitted by no later than 4th September 2020 in order to be included in the conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
Before Creating your Final PDF:
- Ensure that you have addressed reviewers’ comments as specified in your acceptance email.
- Add the appropriate copyright notice to your source document:
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-9468-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-9468-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 European Union
- For all other papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-9468-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
- The copyright notice should be placed in the footer on the first column of the first page of the document. Latex users can include \usepackage{fancyhdr} before \begin{document} in their source document, and then add the following immediately after \maketitle to add the appropriate copyright notice:
%copyright notice
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[L]{978-1-7281-9468-4/20/\$31.00~\copyright2020~IEEE} % change copyright notice here if required
- Proofread your document thoroughly to ensure that it will require no further revisions.
Ensuring IEEE Xplore Compliance:
All accepted papers must be IEEE Xplore compliant. To ensure that your file is fully compliant with IEEE Xplore, you must validate your paper with IEEE PDF eXpress using conference ID 48159X.
All errors identified by PDF eXpress must be corrected prior to final submission to the conference. Once your paper is free of errors, you will receive a pdf file from PDF eXpress with a name in the following format: PIDxxxxxxx.pdf. This is the file that must be uploaded for your final submission.
Accessing PDF eXpress:
Log in to the PDF Express site,
First-time users should do the following:
1. Select the New Users – Click Here link.
2. Enter the following:
– 48159X for the Conference ID
– Your email address
– A password
3. Continue to enter information as prompted
An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
Previous users should follow the above steps, but using the same password as used for previous conferences, and should also verify that the contact information is valid.
Uploading the Final Version of Your Manuscript:
Final papers must be submitted by 4th September, 2020. The paper must be re-submitted even if the reviewers indicated that no changes are required.
To submit the final version, log on to Easychair, view the original submission, and click on “update file” to submit the new version. The file to be submitted must be the one obtained from running IEEE PDF eXpress, as this contains the IEEE Xplore compliance information.
Copyright Form:
After uploading the final version of your accepted paper to Easychair, click on “Alerts” in the main menu. Click on “IEEE Copyright Transfer Agreement for paper <title of paper>”. If there is no such link under your Alerts menu tab, then one of the authors already signed the agreement on behalf of all authors.
You must complete and submit the IEEE Copyright Transfer form in order for your paper to be included in the conference proceedings.
Important Note:
An accepted paper will be published in the proceedings only if the final version is accompanied by a full (non-student) registration for at least one of the authors.
Program Chair
Richard Allmendinger (UK)
Technical Co-Chairs
Pedro Balbi de Oliveira (Brazil)
Miguel Carrasco (Chile)
Alex Di Genova (France)
María Josefina Poupin (Chile)
Publicity Chairs
Daniel Ashlock (Canada)
Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul (Thailand)
Doris Sáez (Chile)
Marco Montalva (Chile)
Sheridan Houghten (Canada)
Pedro Montealegre (Chile)
Joseph A. Brown (Russia)
Sebastián Moreno (Chile)
Registration is OPEN!
All non-Chilean participants must register by choosing the option “passport”.
If you have any questions or difficulties with respect to the registration process, please contact us at
Registration Fees CIBCB2020 in USD | |||
Category |
Early-Bird (until 4 September) |
Late | |
Member | 100 | 150 | Registration Link |
Student member | 50 | 75 | Registration Link |
Non-member | 150 | 200 | Registration Link |
Student non-member | 75 | 100 | Registration Link |
Life member | 50 | 75 | Registration Link |
General Audience (non-authors) | – | 10* | Registration Link |
*Attendees registered as “General Audience” must contact Marco Montalva ( to obtain access credentials to Whova.
IEEE Member Rates: IEEE members can register at reduced rates. IEEE members are those holding current membership in the IEEE. Non-IEEE members are those without current membership in this organization.
Student Rates: Proof of current student status must be provided at time of registration.
All quantities are in US dollars. Fees include all applicable taxes.
Each accepted paper must be accompanied by a full (non-student) registration to be included in the proceedings. Each full registration covers a maximum of two papers (or one paper and one late-breaking abstract).